Sunday, April 13, 2008

a perfect day

have recently been bemoaning (amongst other lonelycapitalistculturalbemoanables) the fact that no one seems to just pop in and hang out anymore.

wonder when that happened?

and yet today, just after having a long, sweet, unrushed conversation with the old sweet guy across the street about his hurting foot and how many people he used to fit in his mighty nice '55 Chevy, here comes my dear old friend. and another!!
and - just like I wanted for today (not taxes or classprep or working on websites or miserablefretting about the circumference of my ass)...time stopped.


juice and ice cubes and three hour conversation. wine and flower-watering and another two hour conversation. about nothing, anything and everything. friendly, beautiful people biking past all the while. a swallowtail dancing on my lilac tree. the scent of water from the sprinkler - made note of!! kindred spirits.



gotta go get those roses in the ground.

peace. & friendship. & thanks.
finally feel watered myself. the right conditions for maybe one more Lala bud - fixin to flower.

Ele PhantGogh and Comments