Saturday, August 6, 2016

More work anxiety dreams.

I am attending a meeting I shouldn't be.
I should be elsewhere.  I know because I am the only
full-time faculty member here.
As I sign the attendance form, I erase the names of all those before me.
I sign my own name, on a sticker that smudges and becomes illegible.

I lift a bit off the ground where we are sitting.
And settle.

Later - is it lunch -
Still I am not where I am supposed to be but,
as no one is looking, I simply rise up of the ground,
vertically, up towards the high ceiling,
(avoiding the ceiling fan).

There is no reason I can't do this, can't be here, up this
far off the ground.

I doubt myself and sink down.
I can't rise up anymore.
I can't.
Maybe I can't.

But I know that this is what I do
so I float up again
into even a more open room,
the ceiling, much higher,
me: much higher

It is like swimming in air
just air

I am good at this
There is no reason not to float up like this
not to listen to the Human Resources speaker
from here.