- Write a poem about your happiest moment. Well, doesn’t have to be yours actually. Just a moment that is someone’s happiest.
- Write a poem about your saddest moment. Conversely, take happy, flip it, and make it the saddest moment.
The Happiest Moment
Before we got wet
or after we got wet
or as we thought of it - without saying -
or before we thought of it.
Dinner with friends. Wine
and what did we speak of
for hours all of us at the height
of our beauty
and before failures,
fallings away, before devastations
or was that true?
Between them anyway.
Dressed. Lovely. Each loved
and funny. All well. All there.
Every morsel shared. Savoured.
We walked out afterwords over the cobblestones
over the canals to the park.
I remember evening, but it must have been night.
I remember my dress brushing my body
and everything everything perfect.
My laughter, ours, our delight filling the evening
settling on the lake.
Our family whole - or whole enough.
Our friends: family
all of us at the height
of our beauty
Fully dressed, finely dressed
We wanted to run, to run and jump
into the lake, fully dressed, finely
And, in there somewhere,
in the air somewhere perhaps,
was the happiest moment of my life.