Wednesday, January 19, 2011

a guide for the perplexed

though I've been dreaming my socks off I somehow no longer feel like writing here. Maybe I'll return someday, maybe not, maybe soon, maybe never. Occassionally I might post a picture I like. Here is one from the 1200's. I just think it's beautiful. And I like the title and it looks like interesting reading.

Not that a Guide for the Perplexed is about this, but I do like the idea of a Purgatory /Limbo Library in which I would find myself, once I shed my mortal coil, with enough time/non-time to finally read, - to read everything and well.

I'll hope to at least have enough time/actualtickingtime here on our pretty (perplexing) spinning rock in infinite, expanding (perplexing) space to look at (atleastlotsof) the pretty pictures....