Saturday, June 11, 2011

this one is fading fast

but let's give it a whirl.

I'm outside somewhere - I don't know where - somewhere in the midwest, maybe.  I am with a lot of young people - 20ish maybe 50 of them.  Not students.  Just kids.   The sky goes grey, dark grey, then broiling deeper darker grey.  There is a collective sense of 'oh, hell...'.  And then funnels start coming down, columns really but maybe ten, twenty of them, covering most of the approaching skyscape.  We know it's going to be bad, but there is nowhere to go.  The columns are still and weird for a very long time and then begin to drop, turn and move, amassing intense power with every whorl.  We lie down on the ground, arranging ourselves around some kind of circular structure, a fountain, maybe.  There is no protection.  There is a girl I don't know and we just curl up and hold each other.  It's really gentle and sweet and all we need and can do, but sheets of metal and bits of buildings begin to fly in circles above us and we're all truly about to die.

I don't know how then I get into the next room, but i am there. It is made of cinderblock concrete and there are no windows.  There are a few teenage girls in there getting ready to go out; they don't know about the funnels.  They don't know that everyone outside is gone.

I'm forgetting this part.
I think I'm still sleepy.

aside: Had minor amounts of fun seeing Lovett and Haitt last eve, but I wanted to go clock the guy behind me who was talking loudloud the e n t i r e  time, even though we told him he was disturbing everyone.  Every time the music would get a bit softer you hear, "I was", "I was saying," "I think," "I know, I..",  "I blahblah, I blah."  --Wish I coulda sent a guy-sized funnel cloud to come suck him right up.