prepping canvasses in advance of a show.
painting the top surface of a six foot wide canvas. height 5 feet something, tilted a bit below my eye level. me: painting the top white with the side of my finger.
standing so close my binocular vision doesn't work. i see the length of the plane coming one way at me and coming another way at me. quite surprisingly divergent, actually.
this is no surprise. we all know how eyes work, in general (but what about those hammerhead sharks?? or worse, flies!- gives me a headache just to image it). anyway, i digress.
what was cool was i could still look at both surfaces extending away from me at once and as i touched I could move my finger in two very different directions.
as I ran my finger down the two visible planes, the triangle of their intersection came towards me as my finger approached my eye, and went further away as my finger did. that space always works this way is not as cool as feeling it, smooth and mysterious, right under your fingertips.