Sunday, June 19, 2011

go ahead: embarass me!

just a little photo to jog my memory later.  fun night last night running amok with a girlfriend I've known since I was four and her (now-corrupted) daughter.  "I could have you all arrested right now."   Oopsie...!  Sorry!  Gotta go!  Note to self: Add "Wedding Crasher " to my C.V. of Social Misbehavior.  Fun though.  Perhaps we were inspired by a great film we saw at The French Film festival (good job, Sacramento; there you go!!).  Movie: "Copacabana", about a free-spirited mother, rejected by her daughter for being embarrassing, trying to suck it up and be good selling timeshares in a disasterously spiritless world - a dead, overbuilt coastal town in Belgium.  Perfect detail!  There are thousands of miles of coastline like this.  Dreadful.  I love movies about this kind of wasteland and humans trapped within.  Kind of an all-too real world Brazil, this one.  The petty boss, the pissy roomate, the used lover, the daughter seeking a moment of normalcy!  Great.  Reminded me a bit of "Housekeeping." which I loved in book and film.  Perhaps also "Georgia" in which Jennifer Jason Leigh was simply brilliant doing Van Morrison's - "Take Me Back".  That film also was about creativity and normalcy and self-destruction and how uptight we get when we can't quite distinguish independence and yearning for something more alive from insanity and embarrassing disgrace.
You were walking in a green field
In a meadow, through the buttercups, in the summertime
And you looked way out over, way out
Way out over the city and the water
And it feels so good, and it feels so good
And you keep on walking

Everything felt so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
And so right, so right, so right, just
So good, so right, so right, in the eternal
In the eternal moment, in the eternal moment
In the eternal moment, in the eternal moment
When you lived, when you lived
When you lived, in the light
When you lived in the grace
In the grace, in grace
When you lived in the light
In the light, in the grace

I perhaps relate to all three movie heroines a bit too much.  I don't live so thoroughly in my eccentricity (I don't think!) (or have the bravery to do so) but some of us will always be round pegs in square holes et ça vaut mieux!