That's better.
Hate those stupid templates.
No time tonight and baked from these excessively hot days.
Nice early mornings but fell back in to rest up for the road this a.m. (juliet arrived today. highway straight away). Double deep dreaming.
Lost a dream I should have written down in all it's stunning complexity.
Will just right one word to remember: cabling
It was a behavior some (the narcissistic amongst us - i.e., all of us) where secretly doing that would create layers and layers of representations of ourselves, our perceptions.
Like paper walls I pushed through to come out onto a trench-dug hole (home. ... pond week) and then after reality settled, more cabling, more flaking, shedding, propagaing versions of the self.
As someone in 'the real computer world wrote': this is some spooky shit we're on.