Thursday, August 14, 2008


of ________.
[where_____________= anything].
sick of it. seen too much of it for too long.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


on the tidal wave dreams. another new kind altogether.
this: no height at all, no wave either.
on a beach, vaguely slopey. ___ is in the water ahead of me, barely, but actually a bit too far out. This, because the pull is insane - soooo strong. I've turned around since realizing it and so has she. I'm five feet or so from two guys I can't identify. I want to ask for help, need it, but know I'd be risking their lives. I do everything I can to lift my feet through this thinnest of layers of mercurial water, pulling me and pulling me. I am making a bit of progress when __ shouts 'watch out!' and a wall of pressurized air (roaring fast) simply eliminates everyone.

(oddly - it wasn't a nightmare. just a variation).