Tuesday, October 2, 2007

be a donkey not a sheep

My brother just sent me a link to an article by Garret Keizer in Harper's Magazine on our current collective moral obligation to civil protest. I don't usually post such things, in part because I agree with Steven Colbert who had a scathing 'Word' for people who can't seem to care, participate and act in their own lives, but can't wait to go home and blog about what they observed - (then referencing the use of stun gun on a student who went on too long amid a dead-bored looking crowd).
So, I do think it's important that we don't have illusions that our postings and musing constitute impactful protest. Nonetheless, at least kept here for my own records as I don't assume a readership, this article is a clear indictment of not trying, of saying 'it won't do any good.'

I will find some way to get in the way November 6th, 2007.
And hopefully thereafter. I'm sick of this shit.

Here's the article:

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