Thursday, December 13, 2007


"A very favorable climate for professional writers and for all those who have something to write down..."

So says my horoscope. But what, what?

Okay. Don't make this difficult. Jump in.

Once upon a time there was a girl who was no longer a girl.
No. Terrible.
Once upon a time there was a last leaf outside her window that when hit by just the right beam of winter morning light became a huge powderflaked lavendar butterfly from the Amazon. Come all the way here. This leaf was portentous. It brought good tidings. (tidings? is this a christmas story?) It fluttered there, granting a moment to be understood, accepted as a butterfly, not a leaf. If believed in as a simple loveliness fluttered up from the underworld (south america is not the underworld, you idiot), if understood as a magical thing, it would bring good things and a worthy story to tell to the coffee drinking would-be writer onlooker. Oh. ghastly. but go on...No go get more coffee.


The light has changed. The leaf is a leaf outside my window. No mistaking it.
A sliver of a magic moment, lost. Once again my Brilliant First Novel has eluded me.

Will get up earlier and try again tomorrow. But my horoscope will likely suggest I take a careful look at my finances.


Bicycle!Bicycle! said...

That was very brave of you. I've never revealed even a half sentence of any novel I've ever written.

Even tried the 'muse' thing once, but to no avail.

Good new for us though. No novel = more frequent blog posts. Things to be grateful for this time of year.

Remember to be good to yourself.

Laura Hohlwein said...

omg - you're not taking me seriously i hope!? that would really be kerflumaxing.

(and i have been really darling to myself today too; thanks for the good counsel).

with cheer of some possibly-holiday-like-sort to you,

L those lights up yet?

Bicycle!Bicycle! said...

i take you as you are. that is my role.

maybe the lights are up, and maybe they aren't. only one way to find out.

Bicycle!Bicycle! said...
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Laura Hohlwein said...

they're quite darling!