Saturday, August 15, 2009

end of summer

I say "Is that _____?" It is a filmmaker friend of mine, just returned from travels. He is sleeping in the water, his head well under the surface. He's fast asleep.

I see his inseparable friend floating nearby.
At least his pretty girlfriend has half her body, the top half, out on the beach. She, too is asleep.

I wade into the water above my waist and gently try to wake him, lifting his head up above the surface.

I hold him like a son, look down at him like Michaelangelo's Mary. He is alive, but draped that way.

I don't want to tell him so I say nothing but rotate to turn him around, still holding him sideways across my arms and he slowly wakes to see his friend: under water, not asleep or awake.


Beilezebub said...

You must have some sort of special, perhaps secret, relationship with them, Water signifies your control over your emotions. And then you cradle him in such a manner. I didn't read that you were upset in your dream.

glad the dreams are back. but i'm selfish that way.

Laura Hohlwein said...

well i don't think i have any particular relationship with them - but admiring their youth and worthy worldly direction.

i think this dream (the topic of which is obviously important to me) is more an example of one of those dream tenets: that we are everyone in the dream.

Usually, I don't buy that but here I find it useful. so yes here how it might be wise to consider if I might be susceptible to a similar, unconscious slipping under and away; how I see my drowned dearest friend and know that though that is true, I must try to save what I can; how I see that a fresh, beloved part of me is half out of this particular pool and will survive; how i save and pity and almost maternally care for myself in the more still now pool of my emotions, as you credibly suggest; how i don't want to tell myself directly about what has happen as I don’t want to be responsible for that hurt so i redirect myself gently (buoyed in that emotional realm) knowing I must, on my own, with my own eyes, again wake to what is.

But I think the calmness you speak of suggests a certain accustom that is good, more peaceful, less directly vulnerable and more able to offer self-care.

(i'm finding it interesting how (like with Frodo in Tolkein - wounds are inevitably and unwittingly felt near their anniversaries).
and so (though i am generally very fine)...the end of summer brings with it such images, in waking and in sleep.

not hilarious fun. Anyway, I hope you're well.
thanks, as ever, for reading and commenting.
it means a lot to me that you're 'selfish that way'. I find it incredibly kind.

goldi159 said...

the emotions I can feel reading your line are "hard stuff" ..and the tears are rollling down my face--but there is nothing You could have done to change the past!

Laura Hohlwein said...

thank you, alexander. i came back here to delete that as perhaps it's a bit much.

i appreciate so much how you know and remember and love my dear sister. and thanks for saying what you did.

i'm still working on believing that. now it feels like i could have tried harder. then, i remember, i didn't know how to.

much love to you.
i've been missing you and thinking of you often.

love to all, please.
and a big hug to you.

goldi159 said...

I can not sleep..because of "this" thinking about years going "round"- anniversaries of dark impacts: This is not "too much" - it is a force and feeling to be let OUT.
we talked about this sitting in the garden in the sun. "energy is never lost - love is never lost - those things are " not to be lost" but never to be forgotten. No possibilities of action were given in the past, no way of "try harder" ! just remember "love is never lost" and all the energy comes back with all the aspects of eternity DO not loose it - just feel it!

Balldinger said...

Hey Laura ~ if there were electric fish with many colors in your dream, do you think the water would have glowed with telepathy or split off into a zillion jet streams angling for South America? Great dream!

I've dreamed so many times of being taken away by the ocean, but mostly in my 20's and early 30's. Now I feel like Tom Waits when he says, "The ocean doesn't want me today..." Peace and purple glitter.