Tuesday, August 25, 2009

forgive and forget

It begins to rain. I am in my garden, hiding from a thin, old man who is lurking out front. Though i am aware i am dreaming i want away from him and go to my brother's house that i know is also dreamt. I am impressed therefore that ____ (someone else) knows to find me there. It is exactly as it is in real life and I am busy gathering together lost items from a long time ago, so only my brother's things are there, as it should be. ____ comes in and though i've forgotten most of it, I see my sister there too, meeting him, assessing him, approving, clearly. I put on my winter boots and am pleased they still fit. She tells me, don't I see that he is coming forward, trying to make things better, that he's trying to get past whatever has happened? She kisses him, oblivious to all else, as if to show me how to forgive.


Beilezebub said...

I hope you are going to listen and heed.

Laura Hohlwein said...

oh i don't know.
this is a weird one.
but generally forgiveness is the only way to move forward, i find. (forgetting is harder).
i know an astonishing amount of people who hold resentments forever ...to their own great impoverishment. I personally will think I've failed if I die a bitter woman.