Wednesday, February 10, 2010

E. and I were camping, setting up camp, when we looked up towards the high, scooped-out, snow filled canyon we were going to hike up into (this, maybe based on a Horsetail Falls I was near again recently or on student drawing yesterday of similar terrain), but with an icy, spectacular Shangri-La in the background. (no idea how we ever thought we'd get there). But suddenly, there were two enormous grizzly bears there - just coming out of hibernation and ravenous, clearly. and heading our way. (this probably the result of some political commentary heard last night on the dueling parties "You don't have to outrun the bear; you just have to outrun the guy next to you." ..I've known a person or two who has lived by that motto...but I digress). The bears found a giant seal down by the beach below us but clearly that wasnt' going to be enough. I've never dreamt of bears before and I got it right. They were enormous and hungry; we would be lunch and so I woke up.

Different dream: too many details lost but there was a bit of a crowd. I was outside waiting to catch the hydrofoil. A man and (maybe his son?) was nearby. The son was extreeeeeeemely handicapped. He had only a head. And he didn't have good manners either. He floated right above my face talking right at me and sputtering out an awkward selection of weird indistinguishable sounds. I closed my eyes and soon he went on to the next female down the line. (I know, I know, hiya Freud).

Just ten thousand things last night but they are holding together like a dry snowball.
A trip to an island. We were going to take the hydrofoil but someone suggested taking the giant men with us individually on jetskis or something to the island. much more practical as this way we wouldn't have to pack the men in and reassemble them on the island. later some kind of concert, my friends, separated. oh blah. i've forgotten everything.
but the dark, wild, heavy bears against the blowing field of snow,
the weird, floating head,
the giant paper men filled with air,
and leading them in a colorful, lined flotilla towards an exotic island that was no distance at all away.

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