Tuesday, June 29, 2010

cream? = holy ghost??

But the nucleus at the center is incredibly tiny compared with the orbits of the electrons. This means that, if you squeezed all the empty space out of all the atoms in all the people in the world, you could fit the entire human race in the volume of a sugar cube. You and me and everyone else are 99.9999999999999 per cent empty space!

Okay, so, first of all, if I'm 99.9999999999999 per cent empty space, maybe I don't need to lose weight, just space. ??

Second, if I'm 99.9999999999999 per cent empty space, it's no wonder I have trouble gathering my thoughts and working effectively. Now that I know I'm going to get off my case and just be proud that I can maintain my semblance of sense and form. Good work against those odds!

Finally, if we could all fit in a sugar cube, obviously we should all just be closer and sweeter. C'mon everybody!

And, finallyfinally, if we're all a sugar cube, might not Yahweh just be a cup of super-strong single-pressed coffee. As likely as anything else. The morning jolt = the theory of everything. Didn't we already know this?

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