Thursday, July 8, 2010

For today's prompt, write a poem using one of the following headlines as the title of your poem (pulled from,,,

* Spectator falls from 2nd deck
* Life under melting Arctic ice
* Disheartened by the disaster
* The Many Voices of Lauryn Hill
* If You Can't Take the Heat, Use Fewer Jalapenos

* Spectator falls from 2nd deck

You cannot wonder
what is under
nor bend to see the source
of the end

What do you see
from that edge
ledge from which you lean
to see

Something that is not you
so much not you, forever her
and yet the yearn to know
to want more, look

ooh lean and learn
bend enough and
see the end

briefly - the image sought
the back the neck
upside down on the back
of an upside down
now dark

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