Tuesday, October 5, 2010

For today's prompt, write an emergency poem. The first thought that springs to my mind is flashing lights and paramedics. If I think on it a little longer, I realize there are several other possible emergency situations out there--not all of them involving people. I look forward to seeing what everyone creates.


It is not an emergency, though he has jumped off a cliff without a net.
They all cried out. His arms were wild.
It looked bad

She is there, off-camera, not to catch him but to slow him down

he slips through the arcs of her arms
that encircle and slow

She, wearing white, flowing, transparent - thin clouds
(it is this high up)
is stunning and focused, directing, demonstrates
the complete change of direction, the pike
legs up
muscles defined in the point no one sees
executed, then a dive down backwards

They do it in tandem
and are perfect

The camera catches him alone
slicing into the night water
without a splash.

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