Saturday, November 13, 2010


For today's prompt, make the title of your poem a question; then, the poem should go about trying to answer the question. You can be direct in your answer or a little vague. Possible titles might be: "Why is the sky blue?", "Where are my car keys?", or "How am I supposed to go about writing a poem that answers a question that also happens to be the title of the poem anyway?" I mean, any question will do to get you started, then the fun part is poeming an answer.

What is the matter?

It's not that I dreamt of a man with a flashlight
whose German Shepard had found me first
pushing at me in the dirt with its muzzle
or the other
beside my bed
raising a hand
and I wake myself
by pushing hard into his face
that is the color of the air
around my bed
at not-yet dawn

It is not that now, awake,
the only sound I hear
is the clink of bottles
as someone digs through my trash
or that it is darker now than
it ever was an hour later

Maybe it is that someone is saving my daylight
I hope it is golden and happy
I hope they are saving it for me

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