Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today is a "Two for Tuesday" prompt. In fact, it's one of my favorite prompts of each challenge. Poets can:
  1. Write a love poem.
  2. Write an anti-love poem
hmm.  not feeling too thrilled with the prompts this time around, but will carry on...
... maybe later...

okay okay.

One Hour

This is not a love poem.
This is a massage poem.
I've never seen the man before in my life
I still haven't seen him
but I see his blue chinese shoes as I stare down
through the round hole
in the table
his feet splayed on either side of my vision.
He is very close.
I am very close to him.
Everywhere he touches me
my past rises up to the surface of my skin.
There, there.
Everything hurts
His hands are fire turned water
rolling my needs like stones
in a fast current down the length
of my back.

I am his forever
or for an hour whichever comes first.

Forever comes first.
He returns back to the source.
I didn't know where to find it.
He goes right there and presses
holds and holds and holds
until in my surrender
I finally surrender
and with a breath
into peace and have
no name.


at all.

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