Saturday, September 24, 2011

notice your breath

had a tiny, sweet little moment right now... checking emails, getting a map to a friend's house to celebrate her 50th birthday... someone I've known since her 5th birthday... amazing that!

so - nothing to this really - i just noticed, as you might notice someone quiet and not threatening in the room with you, my chest rising and falling, my very calm and very steady breath. -- and I felt an incredible, amazed love of it, the same sweetness as when you see a little baby with their onesy on and their little chest rising and falling and put your hand to your mouth and just stare in awe.  Weird to feel that about oneself, but, I noticed it.

just kind-of dear.

still is.

guess my caffeine o.d. is finally wearing off.
now.. champagne and oldernow old friends....

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