Tuesday, November 1, 2011

2011 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 1

It’s time for another challenge! Arrrreeeee yyyyyoooouuuu reeeeeaaaddddyyyyyy to pooooooeeeeemmmm?
I know I am! And today just happens to be a Tuesday, which means two prompts! For those new to the PAD challenge, you can pick one of the two prompts or do both–if that’s how you roll. So here are today’s prompts:
  • Write a procrastination poem, or as I like to call it a “I’ll get to it tomorrow” poem. Or…
  • Write a proactive poem, or the old “I’ll get to it today” poem.


I won't mortify my flesh
Won't take a brick to my head
Won't look in the mirror disappointed to not see there
someone, anyone else.

The numbers are auspicious, auspicious enough
Already I see books back in their shelves
and tasks sorted like seeds by size and their likelihood
of growing.
Quercus lobata, smooth in my hand.
And perfectly ready.

What greater mystery than potential
And - given the right conditions - 
the likelihood for the roots to search and tap
the seed to tree
the artist to see

The doves outside I see
are out of seeds
The little seed house above them empty
bobbing in the first November wind

I will fill it
And provide
And spill seeds generously
For them and see the seeds fall
like golden tears
of a maiden
in a tale 
that turns now - today - 
today now,
- as I will it -
towards light
and her unexpected sweet luck.

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