Thursday, April 2, 2015

PAD 2 - Spring

For today’s prompt, write a secret poem. The poem itself could be a secret, or it could be about keeping secrets or, I suppose, not keeping them. Or maybe it’s about a top secret project, or the poem is a riddle with some sort of secret meaning. Or, well, I’ll let you figure out how best to poem secretively.

How can it be a secret
when my heart shouts for you
rings my ears for you

Does your name not peal across great spaces?

You don't look up
but I know you know.

I want you to know.

I want to slip
a yellow, baby chick
into your warm hands

it: trembling of its own newness
trembling more
to be in the cup
of your gentle hold

what's next

to be considered
by you
who would feel
the little form turning

the scared heartbeat
tapping against your own precious living

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