Monday, April 25, 2016

25 - exercise

For today’s prompt, write an exercise poem. The poem could be about a specific exercise, or it could just incorporate exercising into the poem. Or it could be dedicated to a piece of exercise equipment–so an ode to an elliptical machine or those hand grippers or something. Of course, not every exercise is physical; there are military exercises, mental exercises, and so on.

It is much better
- by the time one's mind wastes away -
at around noon or so

to have run with a sandbag for a bit
or inverted one's body into the letter V
until it cries out, in Victory, Vanquished

to lift one's weight (through addition)
over one's head, over and over

over one's mind that will be so much clearer afterwords
Clear and sharp and alive!

At least until noon or so.

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