Wednesday, April 1, 2020

PAD 1 - New World

For today’s prompt, write a new world poem. There are new worlds and there are new worlds. You could write a poem about discovery of an actual planet. Or maybe your new world is actually a state of mind—or a series of books! In a way, I consider each new challenge a bit of a new world. Let’s explore this one together.

New World

It can be argued
whether or not I am the same person as that girl
who turned over a weighty chunk of broken concrete
and squealed as the fat, white worms
blasted by light
exposed all at once
quickly (and were visible)
wiggled themselves back down 
into darkness.

After a time, all one can say is, 
yes, that was me,
or - I am related to her
– my cells, sloughing off into dust motes
year after year, are related to her.
That seems true.

It also seems to be true
that we all have been
slipping around under a rock of sorts,
a weight that defined our living.

It now
so suddenly lifted!

Us now
blasted by light
exposed all at once.

At night
I curl into myself 

burrow towards darkness
as a landscape
of a new order and manner 
and suggestion
unfurls in underground dream light

I move towards it
(if I am she)
– a stone in my hand

and under it
a teeming world of the

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