Thursday, December 27, 2007


by the christmas tree. a little late, not very. two of three neices drifted off as we watched a very wholesome, sweet movie about a boy and his cheetah (I kinda like the living these littleones bring...{all except the scrappin';). anyway it's been very very sweet. makes for a dull blogspot, perhaps, but it's been a precious time.


Bicycle!Bicycle! said...

Loyal reader does not mind in the least that you have no vivid dreams or memories to report. That's not the reason I tune in. We can always learn something from children and that was a nice reminder.

That was a nice read over a bowl of oatmeal on a gloomy morning.

Laura Hohlwein said...

hey L.R.
what will you do with your day?

Laura Hohlwein said...
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Laura Hohlwein said...

as per your email: it's all going down in Kamchatka right now!

Bicycle!Bicycle! said...

I know a winner when I see one. No one should ever doubt your quest for world domination! Or they do so at their own peril.