Wednesday, February 6, 2008

my zoe

such a love affair dream i had.
is an animal my soul mate?
the usual sick/weird/sad thing at first though... another owner of my dog has sort of dug her up. half of her. the woman will cauterize her blood and bury my zoe well (a separate, but very difficult, essential issue). the dog is damn dead. she's cut in half after all.

ah. but how she recognizes me when I come up.

so much so - as with any true soul met with a true soul, she comes alive for me, as she did, as she would. i cup her sweet muzzle in my curved hand. Love. as much, as true as any I ever expect to know. she was ever the same. and the dear feeling of our wee reunion has woven into every moment of my also quite full and sweet day.


Bicycle!Bicycle! said...

I'll make sure you meet Barney the Beagle. You'll adore Zoe that much more.

Laura Hohlwein said...

yes. please.
sounds darling.