Wednesday, April 1, 2009

poetry writing challenge - day 1

for National Poetry Month the challenge is to write a poem a day, based on a prompt. Don't know if I can but I will try.
First prompt: write an origin poem.


Shape of the Bulb,
Bloom of the Flower

The peonie root is a gnarled piece of work
As big as the hand that buries it.
The flower is not even curled inside,
The flower is a dried, over-built, gnarled piece of work.
When it dies, after it has lived, and the petals drift down the street
it will never look as old as this
Or as complicated.

I think, the night before I was,
They chose silence over clearing words.
Corners were retreated to.
Separate pieces took peace.
Crickets spoke instead.

Deep in a moonless night
I took root and formed,
Like a pearl around a piece of sand,
As small as the kiss that made room for me.

1 comment:

Beilezebub said...

Wonderful! And I know you can do it. I expect 29 more now. I'll even let you post more than one a day to make up for any laxness. I know, I'm generous like that.