Monday, September 28, 2009


Beilezebub said...

Fascinating pictures you've posted. the top one is very expressive in that it tells a complete story almost. I've seen the bottom one before and I do love it too. But what's the connection for you?

Laura Hohlwein said...

just had a great conversation last night about artists that had been personally impactful. the list went on and on. great fun to review. i think i stared at that caravaggio at the bottom for three hours once when i was first studying composition.

the painting is amazing 'in person'. the dead christ's skin just vaguely bluish and translucent: not living.

and keinholz, above, not connected so much but fun to recall, though his voyeuristic statements on human loneliness are thorough(and odd).

Laura Hohlwein said...

the top one is not a painting, btw.
he makes these rooms that you sometimes can barely peak into and you might see this guy....