Tuesday, November 17, 2009

day 17

As mentioned above, today is Tuesday, which means we've got a "Two for Tuesday" offering. Remember: With "Two for Tuesday" prompts, you can write to either one or both (or none, if that's how you roll). Here are the two prompts:

1. Write an explosion poem.

2. Write an implosion poem.


You need one of two things
1) something to knock the legs out
so gravity takes its toll
or 2) pressure outside so great
the walls of the structure

1.) love
2.) time


1) just the way he came in the door was enough
2) my head was gone, my body, for a moment, sense of structure - shot out a mile wide, out, hold, sweet, space filling a void, the self, in particles, settling. a rain of self, settling. Him -holding me in the shape I was to become, again.

1.) pressure
2.) explosion

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