Tuesday, January 26, 2010

80,000 hearts

ripped out in four days!!

had a quick refresher on the Aztecs this morning.

[.. it's hard to make the sun happy ...]


Beilezebub said...

Aztecs? What gives? I need some context to your twitter-like post.

Laura Hohlwein said...

I was watching an interesting, wid-ranging film about Death and violence in art, in my Visual Language and Culture class.

There was another cool tidbit - an experiment in which people of one political party were asked to measure out blood-colored intensely spicy sauce to their fellow party members and to opponents. Both parties of the control group measured out the same amount for 'their' people as for their opponents.

The next group, though, had had subliminal messages suggesting their own death flashed imperceptibly before them. They then, universally, measured out the same amount as before to their people, and about ten+ times as much to their opponents, emptying the jars and scraping their sides.

Fear, don't we know, produces results...