Friday, April 30, 2010

30: cut/print

For today's prompt, write a letting go poem. The poem could be about letting go of a relationship; it could be about letting go of anger; it could be about letting go of a tree branch; or it could even be about, yes, letting go of this April challenge. There are so many things we can let go.

Flight 1111

As I fly above New York City
I could fit it in my hand
It is that small
- multiverse of human dreams
perfect grid of redundant need
snow globe of my broken heart

I drop it
It is fine

I can see from New Jersey to the tip of Long Island
(where it's true, it's true) but just long enough to notice
the range of my entire story
obliterated by the wisp of a vapor trail

a trail that starts at the position of now

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