Monday, April 12, 2010

Poetry Challenge - Day 12

For today's prompt, pick a city, make that the title of your poem, and write a poem. Your poem can praise or belittle the city. Your poem could be about the city or about the people of the city. Your poem could even have seemingly nothing to do with the city. But the simple act of picking a city will set the mood (to a certain degree), so choose wisely.


Between the horizontal edge of the sea
and the horizontal edge of the sky
words would have written themselves
or, if I could not have made them out,
they would have come, slant down,
in the fresh Mediterranean light,
and I would have caught them (some)
like a trained warrior might catch a spear
and with that spear
stab back into bodiless side of the day
and find and accept what viscera
makes up time

i'd have cut squares of blue from the ever-blue sky
squares of dust lavender from the dusty path
that led to the fjords
that led from
my childhood (jumping out off the cliffs and down
into clearest, eye-open blue)
to now and now would have been good
- not too late to jump

color, sticky with oils
sheer down thoughts
breath, considered,
hold in my color
and speak
in whatever language
comes to you first.

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