Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Poetry Challenge - Day 14

falling behind a bit... didn't feel like/was too busy livin' to right the Two for Tuesday Love Poem/Anti Love poem - though I might have something to say on the subject.

Anyway. here is today's. For today's prompt, take the phrase "(blank) Island," replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write the poem. You could do a well-known island, such as "Treasure Island," "Ellis Island," or "Total Drama Island." Or you could make up the name of an island. Or you could even have a long drawn out title, such as "You'll never get me on an island" or "If I were on a deserted island."

Solitude Island

It's okay.
Take your boat and row
past the crests past
the swells
get so small
i can barely see you

i will miss you,
as long as I can see you

little thing out there

but when you're gone
long gone and not coming back

i will notice
how my pulse beats
with the waves
how i lay back and become the full size of my island

not an island really, but behind a door that has closed,
i become the full size of my island

become the waves the sand the waving trees.
solitude is peace.
I swim naked in it all day and at night
I curl
a warm and wordless creature
and calm without a word

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