Thursday, October 21, 2010

weird and kinda stupid, but i have time on my hands

okay so here i am at the rockpile, logging in some extra hours so i can buy my ski pass this year.

not much to do, which is weird for me, hyper, hovering teacher-creature that I am..

so. i won't remember much about last night's dream (though I can feel the space I was living in -- fluttering cloth walls -that won't present itself to me now, as won't the face of the man I fell in love with).. But i do want to jot down something of the ending which was cool and had also happened at the otherwise forgotten beginning and in the also otherwise forgotten middle.

So...before the ending... I am the only one who can operate on the puppy. the pilot's puppy. it is my specialty to operate on the puppies of pilots (what the hell? there is probably some obvious weird Freudian thing in here. ...babies of flying dogs? um, fluffy... oh, i don't know. i'm not getting it).. But the pilot doesn't believe me because I a girl and young ( the dream). I operate through a window. I am precise, accurate and in no time the once tragically fragile creature is animated and darling. I am given the puppy, not by the pilot but by whoever vouched for my skills as a surgeon. Why do I get to keep it? Should I? I don't really want the puppy. It belongs to the pilot. But I walk outside with it, carrying it in a glass box. Just outside I immediately fall thunderclap in love with someone whose face I can no longer see. I drop the puppy in the glass box.

And this was the cool part visually and viscerally: just then - like in the beginning and middle of the dream that I've also forgotten -- the world zips away, fast like a stage set but in full believable huge neighborhood-size space, big chunks of the world just swiped off (building/deck/dead puppy STAGE LEFT) (creek/clouds/street STAGE RIGHT) (background town/downtown buildings/night sky STAGE LEFT) and is gone.

This has happened before. It will happen again, because that's just how it goes. As soon as the story is done the world swipes the stage clean and something else begins to happen. A floor slips under my feet, white and plain.

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