Saturday, April 16, 2011

Poetry Challenge - Day 15

For today's prompt, write a profile poem. When I think of a profile poem, I'm thinking of social media profiles. Personally, I have one for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other sites like the Writer's Digest Community website. So you could write a poem that is your own profile, or that of another person (like what would Edgar Allan Poe or Emily Dickinson put in their Facebook profiles). Of course, I'll accept other takes on the prompt, such as describing a physical profile, or a piece on criminal profiling, etc. As always, the main thing is to write a poem.


They were so very small
the people I loved
their silhouettes - black against the sunset
separating from the black of the sea cliff rocks

The smallest movement
a stretching
a brushing of blown hair away from the face
and I could tell sister from mother from friend or friend

How well we know each other
even when great distance makes us almost

a little limp or a habit of turning
precious - registered somehow in the tiny shape
and I bend down to poke at the sand
or dig after a creature burrowing at the disappearance
of the edge of a wave
and they say, oh

that's Laura, look
that little dot


follow the little river.
see the kelp?
the wave is pulling back. see.

That's her. Ha.
I wonder if she can see us.


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