Tuesday, May 1, 2012

day 3 - way behind. not sorry about that

For today’s prompt, there are actually two options, because it’s Tuesday, which means a “Two for Tuesday” prompt. They are:
  • Write an apology poem, or…
  • Write an unapologetic poem.
Your choice. You can be sorry–or not. Or write about someone who is sorry–or not.

Afternoon Nap

I wake to eternity straddled above me

two hard pulses
like through my chest

and I seize
back into my middle-aged body

my heart mid leap
my vision straddling some web
of stars or folded dunes or webs,
or schools of iridescent smelt
or more of a story

hold me

my life mid
extending away into four
(at least)
dimensions around me

It is two in the afternoon
and I have no children to attend to

I have just what my empty hands can build.

I run them over the nap-warm sheet
and they travel where they will
feeling as
they want to do

I could apologize for that.
Beyond the dissipation of that
especially breath
waited for

starts the enormity
that will devour me.

That's nothing to apologize for.
I am not much more than light.




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