Friday, July 20, 2012

our new home.  for a spell.

oopsie.  no photo.  will get to that.

. maybe .

okay.  there it is.
from the mews in Belgravia? (are you kidding me?!?)
stunning fortune.
one of the best trips ever.
more later.

. maybe .

didn't I come back here to start writing again?
....  the dream of _______with _______ and then stopping with a promise of starting again after I heard about the new writing he was doing.  and after a promise of a 'tennis' meetup.  nice.  Later, another part, driving on Revolution Road, on the left side for awhile as if I was still in England, then not, then around the bend.  stopped on the spot it was so gorgeous.  a whole tree-filled, light sparkled pennisula stretching out before us, like Pt. Reyes does from the Sky Trail.  Framing it in the camera to see a selection of the shape of California laid down there, the bend at its waist, the collasal beauty of it.   much much more.


. maybe .

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