For today’s prompt, write a suffering poem. A person or animal in the poem could be suffering. The poem itself could be suffering.
... Really? aw geez. hmmletmethinkwhatcomestomind..
It is not that the walls are malevolent
but they will not stay still
they peel away, peel towards,
their boards pull lose and
would slice through
the dumb body if the dumb body
weren't liquid and rocked tossed
on the high seas
the blankets, hands
the waves now just self pity
in the form of
light now traversing a ceiling
and the sound of the relentless traffic
that for a moment is like gasping
or calling out
and the walls fold and the seas settle
and become the floor
of a place that was once a structure
that was once upright
illuminated, clean
cared for
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