Tuesday, November 5, 2013


For today’s prompt, write a “the last time I was here” poem. Imagine you’re returning to a spot (physical, emotional, psychological, etc.): Is it a good thing? Bad thing? What did you leave behind (if anything)? What’s there to welcome you back (again, if anything)?


The last time I was here
it was yesterday

and I can't recall it.

Who was I then
- waking, standing up stiffly,
having some time to do some

I did them, largely, by the time the sliver
thin moon dipped into the Pacific.

And today
I have some time.
There are things to do.
There is a sense of having

some time.
How much - perhaps -
was the question
and today

and tomorrow I - perhaps -
will be here
and this hour

the light of the November morning
will glow the white curtains beige as if
from underneath

The day will feel familiar, but also brand new,

and I will glimpse but not grasp
the imperative
of either.

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