Monday, April 30, 2018

oh well ... and in other news .

Well, I failed at the Poem-a-Day Poetry Month challenge (um.. again), but today I am sending out two manuscripts, a third collaborative venture is being typeset by an actual press!, a fourth photo/poem book I'll self-publish, I think.
These guys have been bumping around, largely, but not fully formed for a while. It's time for them to get dressed, move out and get a job!
~ Good luck out there, Kids! It's graduation day!

maybe I'll catch up with the PAD later..

1 comment:

Pablo (yo) said...

Super blog!

J'ai aussi un blog, et j'essaie d'obtenir une visite de tous les pays. J'aimerais vraiment faire une visite des Wallis et Futuna.

Si vous le pouvez, revenez et visitez le mien:

Pablo d'Argentine