Saturday, November 28, 2009

2009 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 28
Posted by Robert

For today's prompt, I want you to take the phrase "Through this (blank)," replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Examples could be: "Through this door," "Through this spider," "Through this rope wrapped around this person trying to get free before the bomb stops ticking," "Through this garden," etc.

Through this prism
I look at you
and your face
breaks into its simplest planes

Your nose could be from an african mask
Your body the body of a woman
I can see you looking at me
and turning away from me in the same moment

I can see that your skin is green
You are unwell
You are breaking up

Parts of you are completely invisible now
I am left with the memory of a voice
An accent without sound

A blur of brilliant color


Beilezebub said...

And now I'm caught up too. Spent some time in Santa Cruz with my son. I hope the 'o o f' from turkey day is done and gone.

Almost time to decorate for Xmas!

Laura Hohlwein said...

Actually, I was quite moderate in my oofing but I did have a lovely day. Very sweet. I love the spirit of the day.

Christmas. ah geez. okay.
the girls are coming for a bit and we'll rent a wee cabin for a wee stay in North Shore.

i hope it SNOWS!!

Santa Cruz sounds nice.

Laura Hohlwein said...

it's your fault i raked leaves for four hours with that 'time to decorate comment'.

Giant Leaf Pile seeks Early Morning Runner for Spontaneous No One is Looking/ from the Curb Body Vault. (double dog dare!)

Laura Hohlwein said...

ps. if you do run by, please take care to not step on 'Lucky' Ray, the snail. i haven't seen him for hours!

Beilezebub said...

Good thing I'm too sore from running hills along the coast on Saturday. I won't be vaulting myself into anything soon. I'm just going to try to run at all.

But I appreciate the image.

And the fact that Lucky has picked the best foster mom.