Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today is a two for Tuesday prompt. Here are the two options:

1. Write a looking back poem. There are a few ways to tackle this one, I guess. The narrator could be reflecting on the past or literally looking back (like over his or her shoulder).
2. Write a poem that doesn't look back. This poem would be kind of the opposite, I suppose. Narrator who refuses to look back or who is literally looking forward (or I suppose another option even is that the narrator is blind or something).

Don't look back

Don't look back.
It doesn't matter
The past burns at your feet
burns up your legs

It doesn't
It is cold as pavement.
As interesting as a stripmall
Why dig there?
There is no more treasure.
No more X.
No more spot
or one to go looking with.

No one cares.
Or ever will.

It doesn't matter.
Just hurry, before it's too late,
and find something else
to lose.

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