Wednesday, April 21, 2010


For today's prompt, take the phrase "According to (blank)," replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write the poem. Example titles might be: "According to Bob," "According to these instructions," "According to the government," "According to the sun," etc.

According to the Moon

According to the Moon
one is alone in space
without vision
or weather
or touch to the surface

According to the Moon
there is nothing
not even to be
not even loneliness

One could be like this
for trillions and trillions
of years

What is a year
to the Moon
that does not know
its tiny crescent side
that does not see its reflection
rise white into the high and glacial lake
that does not know it lights up prey
and hides behind clouds
and has opened up one soul after another
over and over for millenia until
the billions of eyes last close

gentlest of celestial keys
perfect companion
of goodbye

and so it is possible
to not know
- not at all-
how we are
the light we give
who looks for us
in the dark
and, finding us,
- out there, somewhere -
is, in that darkness,
for that time,

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