Monday, April 19, 2010

Poetry Challenge - Day 19

For today's prompt, write a poem about somebody and be sure to include the person's name in the title of your poem (no reason to hide the person's identity here). Write a poem about Abraham Lincoln, Emily Dickinson, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, your next door neighbor, your child, or the person standing behind you. I guess you could even technically write a poem about yourself (just make sure you include your name in the title).

Emily Dickenson

I didn't know what I was touching
when I ran my little hand across the cool cherry wood of your desk.
I was believing my mother
that you had been great
and I was trying to feel it.

I was understanding
- though I didn't put it to myself that way -
that a bird that sang in the wet red leaf beech tree
in a damp later Amherst day
outside your window was important

In the twelve part lilt - Meaning

Some white dress was out
on a little high bed
as if this person
could return who I would learn
in one room
more than without walls
but Precise in space
exactly located without apology

the essence of Essence

I didn't know that you
- in fact, only you -
are (could touch) (write out)
(find) (name) (dash) the twenty words that
are my living.

I don't need to go anywhere, either.

What is the difference
between the seed
and the arching, broadened
weather widened beech tree?

You are the seed.
I am a seed.

You are my sister
in the space - the dash - that makes listening

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