Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Poetry Challenge - Day 3

For today's prompt, I want you to take the phrase "Partly (blank)," replace the blank with a word or phrase, make that the title of your poem, and then write the poem.

Partly Clear

The medium asks me to look into the translucent stone
and tell her what I see
It is at this point I can choose to be more fun and invent
or to describe what I see, really.

It is not clear.
There is an orange light,
very rich,
- at the bottom grey

There is a little shape
there - that could be me
lying down
or floating

I can't see much
It looks like an eye

I tell her, "There is an orange light. At the bottom
it is grey. There is a shape there. I think the whole
thing looks maybe like an eye."

I feel dull and tired.

She takes the magic, translucent egg from me
Puts it in the water
and is adorable, at nine,
chaneling a spirit
the one she will always wonder about.
the one I feel I am looking at
just smaller, again, but ahead of me, as always,
convinced in the moment.

How she ran ahead of me this morning
by the sea in the wind, a prancing gate,
turning back to check if I was following.
[Of course, you are little, again]
How she has made a stage for the fortune telling.
Her tiny bones. Long hair shaken. Sudden laugh.
Her little hands are the same.
Her serious stirring of the fortunes.

She hushes the room and moves the translucent egg-stone in the water
arriving slowly at the answer.

The room is quiet.
The medium, a servant of her gifts says:

"Sometimes the forces don't speak so directly.

There is a lot here to think about.
But the meaning is unclear."

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