Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 4 - Distance

For today’s prompt, write a distance poem. As a runner, I automatically think of running when I think distance. But hey, there’s long distance relationships. Or why not get beyond geographic distance and consider distance in terms of time or emotional distance. Or some other interpretation.


When I step outside
out from under the branches
of my ailing elm tree

the top of my hair
my last light little blonde hair is that last thing
(drifting cloud notwithstanding) - the very last thing
until perhaps a glance off the edge of the surface of a methane sea of Titan
or a veil of a nebula, pink

Is that how far away our dead are?  Further?
Is there a distance to them?
But can there be a distance not measured 
in time or space

because this is the distance that matters to me
the vast void that I pass through
from my desk to my coffee pot
- immeasurable  -(in terms not of time or space)
in which the persons I love
are not.

(maybe are not)

How far away are they?

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