Saturday, November 20, 2010

boy. i'm just too busy for this right now. ... 20

For today's prompt, write a "what's wrong or right" poem. As with any of these prompts, there are many ways to come at this one. However, since I'm in a hurry to hit the road, my mind is completely blanking on all of them. So, whether it's right or wrong--wrong or right--I'm just gonna get down to poeming. Have a great unsupervised day!

It's so hard to tell what is right or wrong
when the heart and its tendrils of effort and need
- the self putting itself forward to love and be loved -
entwine around the hand that would turn the key or wave goodbye or
shake in searing blame

how dare you scare me like this?
how dare you?

the child dreams of her own death now
and scans the room for scarves that can become ropes
construction paper scissors that are no way pointed enough
to cut right cleanly from wrong
that old repeated wrong
- somehow hard to tell from right (a heart
searching to understand another's walk in darkness)

the policeman
separated them
mother from child
right and wrong forever braided into a sheath around the heart
that grows regardless,
cramped, contorted

the tendrils of that heart wrap around
as roots wrap around those bones
that - right or wrong now -
will always be bones

understanding does nothing
trauma abides
takes new form
and threatens
to abandon form

how unfairly
how just plain wrong

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