Saturday, November 20, 2010

For today's prompt, write a poem with a hole in it. The hole could be referenced in the poem, which could be about subjects such as hitting a golf ball in the hole, punching a hole in the wall, or even visiting a hole in the wall bar. Of course, with everyone flexing their concrete poetry skills lately, I'm sure at least a few poets might take a stab at writing a poem with an actual hole in the middle (maybe a doughnut-shaped poem?). Another possibility is to write a poem with a hole in its logic, but I'm sure you can find any number of loop-holes for attacking this prompt.

It is not a poem
if it doesn't have a hole in it
or around it
If one can walk from end to end
and not possibly pass
like a neutrino
through the membrane of one's own skin
into a dimension
in which thought
words arranged arrive
underneath one
like a lucky stretching bridge
between the cells dividing
or between the stars extending
a place as true as any other

with just the right amount of fear
not understanding,
even at that size,
what the space is that surrounds

we do know
there is a hole in that too

that even light
cannot survive

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