Sunday, November 2, 2014

Chapbook Thingy - Day 2

For today’s prompt, write a together again poem. It’s one thing to split up; it’s something else to come back together again. Sometimes getting back together is a good thing; sometimes it’s a bad thing; and sometimes it’s just awkward.


After watching a romantic comedy, well, three,
I sleep and am, by a well-intentioned community, engaged
to be married the following day
in the same winning, ramshackle town that has been the backdrop 
for so many darling romances of late.  And I, will be married,
and when I meet him, I'm kind of relieved.  He is nice
enough, appealing, (kind-of)

gently hopeful for us.
But he is old and poor and lives his life between two rooms.
a softened bohemian who once burned with intent.
He is nice.
I really have waited too long.

I stumble about the dream.
I step on the cutting edge of a a teapot and walk a soggy plank.  I climb a wet, mud wall
out of the dream
and into my single life
where there is still time to pretend there is time
and I have no plans and more than two rooms.
and no one to disappoint.

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