Sunday, April 8, 2018

PAD 8 - family

For today’s prompt, write a family poem. Good, bad, big, small, adopted, imaginary, nonexistent–everyone has to deal with family (even if that involves running from it or chasing it down). I have a feeling today’s prompt is going to stir up some really good poems.

I wasn't even quite with them exactly
I was in a room above, leaning out a window,
looking down on the slate patio
where she was, when she was - sister
and she was, as ever - mother
both standing, talking
and I was there - leaning out, above - little sister
yet it wasn't until he opened the door
and walked near them
and stood, talking - brother
with us
all of us there

the four legs of the table
the four corners of the earth

a power there manifest
in that single moment
so I could witness the constellation
and remember
the perfect truth of it



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